2010 Camping Schedule
prepared by Everybody and NobodyIt's a magical mystery tour.
Due to whatever, the 2010 camping season is a bust. I'll leave the suggested schedule here for everybody's amusement.
November 20, 2009Okay, here we go again! I have the new 2010 schedule page up with dates. Send feedback PLEASE.
No reservations for April and May. Drive in and take your chances.
I created a new campground map page for Fort Custer. Check it out.
I created a new campground map page for Ludington. Holy crap this
park is a long drive. About 250 miles - 4½ hours.
No more Dinner. Too formal. We're going to call it Supper from now on (even though we use tableclothes). After all, we can drop food on the floor (ground) and we don't have to clean it up.
Food Suggestions
Fresh Fruit (salad)
Coffee Cake or Donuts
Pancakes or Waffles or French Toast
Hash Browns
Bacon or Sausage
Scrambled Eggs (with or without fungus)
Chili, Stew, Lasagna, Ravioli, Tacos & Burritos
Baked Potatoes or Scallop Potatoes or Cheesy Potatoes
Tossed Salad or Seven-Layer Salad
Corn-on-the-Cob (in season)
Raw Vegi-Tray
Creamy Cucumbers or Bean Salad
Baked Beans
Taco Salad
Rolls or Corn Bread
Dessert - Cake or Pudding or Pie
Wine (jug or box) (no bottles - remember, this is supper - not dinner)
Howell, MI
Map to the Campground and other info
Who will be There
Saturday Group Breakfast
Saturday Group Supper
Notes about this Trip
We are NOT making reservations for this trip. We'll just drive in and take our chances.
Who will be There
Saturday Group Breakfast
Saturday Group Supper
Notes about this Trip
We are NOT making reservations for this trip. We'll just drive in and take our chances.
Holly, MI
Map to the Campground and other info
Who will be There
Saturday Group Breakfast
Saturday Group Supper
Notes about this Trip
We are NOT making reservations for this trip. We'll just drive in and take our chances.
The suggested sites are 114-119.
Who will be There
Saturday Group Breakfast
Saturday Group Supper
Notes about this Trip
This park is a first for us. Lynn will make the reservations. Call or email her by January 8.
Who will be There
Saturday Group Breakfast
Saturday Group Supper
Notes about this Trip
We are NOT making reservations for this trip. We'll just drive in and take our chances.
The suggested sites are around 211.
Who will be There
Saturday Group Breakfast
Saturday Group Supper
Notes about this Trip
We are NOT making reservations for this trip. We'll just drive in and take our chances.
The suggested sites are 59, 60, 64, 66 or close.
Who will be There
Saturday Group Breakfast
Saturday Group Supper
Notes about this Trip
Who can plan this far into the future?
Suggested sites are 128, 129, 130, 143 if you want to put up with each other.